I offer Ladies beginner to advanced programs. See my socials for upcoming programs/current running programs designed for women only.  
GET INTO GOLF - The easiest way to get into golf is to undertake one of my “Get Into Golf” programs. It is a fun and relaxed way to learn the great game of golf and enjoy a chat over a coffee or drink afterwards. These programs consist of 4 x 1-hour lessons with a small group in a very relaxed setting, plus 2 playing sessions on course. You will learn about safety and etiquette while playing golf. All equipment is supplied or bring your own if you would like.
GV WOMENS GOLF NETWORK - Is for women looking to learn and play the game golf while meeting a network of people. Designed for women only, it is a great way to try golf with likeminded and passionate women. Ideally beginner or new golfers in a fun, social and relaxed environment. Including a 1 hour clinic and 9 hole teams event on course  and we celebrate our success over a drink afterwards. Contact Reanna to express your interest. 


I offer beginner programs designed for men. In a group setting we work on skill based activities along with analysing your swing using video analysis. We ensure as a group we learn all elements and skills of golf and create a pathway for your success. 


MYGOLF CLINICS - I offer Junior MyGolf Programs which consists of 1 hour clinic running over 4-6 weeks. Ages 5-12 years and skill level 9 holes to beginner. We cover all basic fundamentals of golf including skill based games to have fun together while still learning new skills. 
JUNIOR HOLIDAY PROGRAMS - School Holiday Programs are a great way for young upcoming superstars to try the game for a day! 3-3.5 hour sessions including a 1 hour clinic and 9 holes on course.  See my socials for upcoming programs.